Media Kit
Easily access Stellar Cyber’s logo, quick facts and 90-second video. Learn how Automation-driven SecOps is democratizing cybersecurity
Stellar Cyber Logo
The Stellar Cyber logo is available in various file formats. EPS is vector-based, high resolution and best for print. PNG and JPG, PNG are best for Word, Powerpoint and general web use.
Company Quick Facts
Check out this overview on What We Do, How We
Do It, Why Customers Need Stellar Cyber,
and Stellar Cyber’s narrative.
Stellar Cyber in 90 seconds:
ESG Open XDR Infographic
Examining Potential Options for
Threat Management Platforms
Reveals Need for Open XDR
On the Radar
Stellar Cyber leads in XDR with built-in traffic analysis, SIEM, and automated response