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Stellar Cyber

vs. The Competition

See how Stellar Cyber compares to other products in the market.

Why Build a Competitive Matrix?

You might be skeptical about vendor-published competitive comparisons and see them as nothing more than a marketing tool. So why did we create one?

Here’s Why: With so many vendors claiming to be XDRs and Open XDRs, we believe you need a scorecard that
lists what we see as actual Open XDR requirements and shows how well vendors’ are meeting them. Are we biased, of course, but that doesn’t mean we are wrong. If you think this is nothing but marketing hype, schedule a free Proof of Concept (POC) and judge for yourself.


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Native Multi-layer

Unified Platform Including

All Capabilities Included
in Single License

Services to Help Security Team
at No Additional Charge

Sensors for Remote Data
Collection and Edge Detections

Easy Setup

Flexible Deployments


Full Attack Surface Coverage

Out-of-the-Box Integrations

Bring Hidden Threats to Light

Expose threats hiding in the gaps left by your current security products, making it harder for
attackers to harm your business.

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