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Don’t let a ransomware attack bring your business to a grinding halt.

Three Reasons Ransomware Attacks Succeed

Security teams continually work to improve their ability to detect and mitigate Ransomware fast, but headline-grabbing attacks occur daily. The question to ask is, why?


Lack of Visibility

While good products are on the market to detect potential malware, they only work if they can see assets they intend to protect. Suppose a new computer or server doesn’t get the malware protection installed. You end up with unintended exposure. This happens more than anyone would like to think.


Time Delays

While attackers are known to remain in environments for weeks, if not months, before deploying their ransomware attack, once the attack starts, it can spread like wildfire.

If the security team does not have near real-time access to critical data, they will always be chasing an active attack, attempting to limit the damage rather than stopping it from happening.

Unreliable Automation

Two aspects of automation make Ransomware so effective. First, the attackers use AI and cutting-edge deployment models to carry out attacks at scale.

With Ransomware-as-service, anyone can start a widespread ransomware campaign with little investment. Moreover, due to a lack of automation, many security teams must use manual mitigation and remediation methods, making attack recovery much more challenging.

How to Close Ransomware Blind Spots

A multi-layer security approach gives your team the best chance to detect and mitigate a Ransomware attack quickly.


Attackers consistently target endpoints, where users interact with a computer regularly, to carry out their attacks. A solid endpoint protection product, such as EPP and EDR, is a must.


Since many attacks will arrive via email, you must have an email product with built-in ransomware filtering.


99% of all attacks will traverse your network at some point. Network protection products like NDRs are great ways to detect command and control activity typically associated with Ransomware.


While attackers love to have users do their dirty work for them, if they can find an unpatched asset or an application with a known vulnerability in your environment, they are more than happy to exploit it. To that end, you need effective vulnerability management to keep your systems and applications up to date.


While the abrasiveness of a ransomware attack is evident once an attacker deploys the ransomware payload, there are opportunities to detect potential signs of an impending attack when actively monitoring and correlating user and entity behaviors and flagging suspicious activities.


With the previous protection layers in place, you need a way to respond to a detected threat at scale quickly. Using an automated response product like a SOAR can be the difference between a localized ransomware issue and a widespread crippling attack.

How Stellar Cyber Can Help

Stellar Cyber delivers over 400 integrations out-of-the-box, including integrations to popular endpoint protection, Identity management, and CASB products you use. The choice of which of these products to use is up to you.

Stellar Cyber also provides the network protection, security analytics, and automated response capabilities you need to deliver consistent Ransomware protection across your IT and OT environments.

Key Features

Ultra-Flexible Data Sources

Using pre-built integrations, incorporate data from any existing security control, IT, and productivity tool.

Normalize and Enrich Data

Automatically normalize and enrich data with context, enabling comprehensive, scalable data analysis.

Automated Threat Hunting

Create customized threat hunts that can be run ad-hoc or on a set schedule.

Advanced Threat Detection

Identify complex threats using AI threat models and curated threat detection rules.

AI-Driven Security Analytics

Combining seemingly disparate alerts into incidents provides security analysts with contextualized and prioritized threats to investigate.

Repeatable Incident Response

Take decisive response actions manually or enable Stellar Cyber to automate response fully.

Meet Your Ransomware Challenge with Stellar Cyber


Stop Chasing Alerts

Investigate incidents, not alerts See significant efficiency gains


Improve Security

Find hidden threats early
Eliminate constant firefighting


Save Time
and Money

Optimize security stack
Improve team productivity

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