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See Stellar Cyber Open XDR in Action

Stellar Cyber's AI / ML overview: Unsupervised ML, Supervised ML and Adaptive ML
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As one of the native capabilities of Stellar Cyber's Open XDR platform. NDR detects suspicious events that other network security...
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Watch this 4-minute video about Stellar Cyber's innovative XDR Kill Chain delivering everything detection and response across the entire attack...
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Go beyond alerts - detect and respond to Incidents. Industry leading Machine Learning (ML) algorithms detect threats in the enterprise....
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Stellar Cyber's Automated Threat Hunting supercharges analyst workflows with pre-built playbooks and deep customization options. Point-and-click search and filtering for...
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Lateral movement comes through 360-degree visbility--watch this 3 minute use case video showing how Stellar Cyber can help you quickly...
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NG-SIEM - The smart, unified and cost-effective SIEM for all your security needs. Collect, store, query and report on security...
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Attacks don’t work in silos, and neither should detection tools. Open extended detection and response (Open XDR) brings full visibility...
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Get a single unified view in your environment with Stellar Cyber's security operations platform. Automatically and constantly discovering new assets,...
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Stellar Cyber has a suite of reporting capabilities integrated into the platform out of the box, they are also customizable
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Stellar Cyber's Open XDR provides a single unified view, automatically and constantly discovering new assets, identifying their behavior and risk
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