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Security Stack Consolidation

Optimize your security stack with Stellar Cyber.

Why Security Stack Consolidation is Challenging

Over time a security stack can get unwieldy, with partially deployed products, overlapping capabilities, and other products that seem too cumbersome to eliminate. Wanting to optimize how your stack runs is often easier said than done.

Vendor Lock-In

If a security stack is dominated by a single vendor or small group of vendors, any attempt to eliminate a product from the stack will be met with complexity from the vendors involved. They have control of your stack and want to keep it.


Integration Complexity

Buying a product is easy; getting it to work with your other products is when things can get very complicated. Once a product is integrated, it is easy to understand why someone might cringe at removing it.


Vendor Trust

No matter how clunky or inefficient a security stack is, if it operating, undertaking a consolidation effort means putting significant trust in a vendor, which may be new to your world.

How to Consolidate Your Security Stack with Stellar Cyber

Stellar Cyber and our Open XDR Platform enable security teams to take a phased approach to consolidation that meets their comfort level. Move fast or move slow; the decision is yours.

Step 1: Identify and Integrate Products

When you decide to deploy Stellar Cyber, you must first categorize your current products in order of importance.

This order can dictate your sequence in integrating your products into Stellar Cyber. With over 400 integrations available out of the box, your products are likely already supported. If not, we will create the integrations for free, this is our commitment to you.

Step 2: Run in Parallel

Once completing the integration phase, most customers run in Stellar Cyber in parallel with their old product.

This gives the security teams an added comfort level to learn the new platform knowing their old solution is still in place. Often once users see the ease with which they can complete investigations in Stellar Cyber, this parallel effort is shortened significantly.

Step 3: Review Results

Typically users of Stellar Cyber report to their managers a dramatic improvement in their ability to complete investigations fast on the platform.

While anecdotal claims are interesting, decision-makers want hard facts. To that end, security teams typically compare the results from Stellar Cyber with their old solutions, and seeing significant benefits with Stellar Cyber, they will begin decommissioning their old products.

What You Can Save with Stellar Cyber

With Stellar Cyber delivering Next Gen SIEM, UEBA, TIP, IDS, Malware Sandbox, FIM, and SOAR capabilities, there is the potential to make significant savings by eliminating some or all of these products after deploying Stellar Cyber.

Customers report double-digit percent cost savings after using Stellar Cyber, most of which could be reallocated for other critical security teams' needs, such as hardware, security training, additional resources, and more.

The Product Capabilities Delivered in Stellar Cyber Open XDR Platform

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

Automatically identifies anomalous and suspicious behaviors to eliminate potential security threats other security controls miss.

Next-Generation SIEM (Next-Gen SIEM)

Collect and automatically normalize log data from any data source to optimize search and threat-hunting functions, making data audit-ready for compliance purposes.

Threat InteI Platform (TIP)

Third-party threat intel sources can easily be integrated into the platform and used to enrich any alert to provide appropriate context.

Network Detection and Response (NDR)

Combines raw packet collection with NGFW, logs, NetFlow, and IPFix from physical or virtual switches, containers, servers, and public clouds to identify network threats.

Intrusion Detection (IDS) & Malware Sandbox

Suspicious files detonate automatically and safely to determine if they have malicious intent.

Security Orchestration and Response (SOAR)

Respond to cyber threats using pre-defined playbooks, ensuring consistent security outcomes.

With Stellar Cyber, Enablement is Included

For MSSPs: We train your SOC team to use the platform and your sales team to sell the platform effectively.

For Enterprises: We train your administrators and analysts to use the platform as effectively as possible.

Consolidate Your Security Stack with Stellar Cyber


Take Control
of Your Stack

You control which products you use or don't use with Stellar Cyber, we are committed to working with whatever you choose.


Improve Security

Find hidden threats early
Eliminate constant firefighting


Save Time
and Money

Optimize security stack
Improve team productivity

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