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June 2023

Stellar Cyber Product Update:
Dog Days of Summer Edition

As we are on the doorstep of the dog days of summer, where kids on summer break are soaking up the sun, the Stellar Cyber team is hard at work cranking out new features and capabilities aimed at helping customers continue to improve their ability to simplify security operations. While we have some cool new …

Stellar Cyber Product Update:
Dog Days of Summer Edition
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Amazon Security Lake is now generally available

Today we are thrilled to announce the general availability of Amazon Security Lake, first announced in a preview release at 2022 re:Invent. Security Lake centralizes security data from Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments, software as a service (SaaS) providers, on-premises, and cloud sources into a purpose-built data lake that is stored in your AWS account. …

Amazon Security Lake is now generally available Read More »

Considering an XDR Purchase? Here Are Our Lessons Learned.

Lessons learned from our search for, and integration of, our XDR Trusted Internet is now deploying Stellar Cyber XDR –as a SOC-monitored solution or as an Infrastructure as a Service. The marketing hype around XDR is deafening for those of you considering an XDR. It’s hard to sort through the slick websites and marketing noise …

Considering an XDR Purchase? Here Are Our Lessons Learned. Read More »

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