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Data Breaches

Three Tell-Tale Signs It’s Time To Make Changes To Your Security Stack

To state the obvious, there is no such thing as a perfect cybersecurity product.  While there are many great products security pros use daily to keep their organizations secure, every one of them has things about them that could be better. However, as security stacks get increasingly complex, all these “less than ideal” items taken …

Three Tell-Tale Signs It’s Time To Make Changes To Your Security Stack Read More »

Four Must-Haves to Secure Your OT Environment

Cybersecurity given: attackers will never stop trying to find ways to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities anywhere in an organization to carry out an attack. Whether it’s an unpatched web server, an out-of-date application with known vulnerabilities, or a user who tends to click links first and read later, attackers focus on finding a way to …

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Network traffic analysis

The New-Look Stellar Cyber

As a cybersecurity vendor, making a great product or service that solves a big problem is our goal. If we do our job right, we will help security teams better protect their environments and grow our business. Now, a million variables play into a company’s ability to grow. While many are directly related to the …

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Next Gen SIEM

Economics Of Shift Left Security

I’ve worked with dozens of SecOps and Detection and Response teams over the past few years and it has become crystal clear to me how important it is to fix as many security issues as possible upstream. Or as it is more commonly known, “Shift Left Security”. Broadly, I see three camps on “Shift Left Security” …

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Network detection and response tools

Bundling Security Services to Improve Pricing and Close Ratios

Today’s businesses succeed by selling a handful of bundled items to a large number of customers. Think about restaurants, where the trend has been away from a’ la carte menus to limited menus, because it’s easier, more efficient, and requires less skill to produce a few entrée/side dish combinations than to try to fulfill each …

Bundling Security Services to Improve Pricing and Close Ratios Read More »

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