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Four Must-Haves to Secure Your OT Environment

Cybersecurity given: attackers will never stop trying to find ways to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities anywhere in an organization to carry out an attack. Whether it’s an unpatched web server, an out-of-date application with known vulnerabilities, or a user who tends to click links first and read later, attackers focus on finding a way to …

Four Must-Haves to Secure Your OT Environment Read More »

Unlocking the Potential of AI/ML in Cybersecurity: Challenges, Opportunities, and Progress Indicators

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been transforming the cybersecurity landscape for over a decade, with machine learning (ML) speeding the detection of threats and identifying anomalous user and entity behaviors. However, recent developments in large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI’s GPT-3, have brought AI to the forefront of the cybersecurity community. These models use documented …

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Network Detection and Response Platform

Earning Trust As A Cybersecurity Vendor

Practitioners, executives, and investors know the stakes for cybersecurity are incredibly high and will only get higher. Ransomware locking up mission-critical devices in Oil & Gas or Healthcare, disruption causing standstills in Logistics, and identity theft rising due to your data being leaked ten times over. The story in global cybersecurity that I spend a …

Earning Trust As A Cybersecurity Vendor Read More »

Extended detection and response

What’s the Deal with Open XDR

Managers of MSSP cybersecurity teams face many challenges, including the growing number and complexity of threats, tight budgets, a shortage of security analysts, and overworked teams who are frustrated by high volumes of alerts. Analyst teams have struggled for years with the philosophy of using a dozen or more discrete security tools to hunt for …

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Network traffic analysis

The New-Look Stellar Cyber

As a cybersecurity vendor, making a great product or service that solves a big problem is our goal. If we do our job right, we will help security teams better protect their environments and grow our business. Now, a million variables play into a company’s ability to grow. While many are directly related to the …

The New-Look Stellar Cyber Read More »

Next Gen SIEM

Guest Blog: A Tale of Two Cyber Vulnerabilities: Why It Makes Sense to Consolidate Managed IT and Security Operations

Written by Patti Hallock, Director of XDR Operations/Engineering at Agio Your security operations are critical, and every decision you make impacts those operations. When you have separate service providers–one for managed IT and another for extended detection & response (XDR)–you run the risk of delayed response and service. Patti Hallock, our Director of XDR Operations …

Guest Blog: A Tale of Two Cyber Vulnerabilities: Why It Makes Sense to Consolidate Managed IT and Security Operations Read More »

SIEM application

Advocating for security in a financial storm?

Here we go again. Just after the world was pulling itself out of the total economic shutdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, the R word looms on the horizon. We’ve seen our everyday lives touched by large scale inflation over the past 6 months. Groceries, Gas, common goods, everything is more expensive than it used to …

Advocating for security in a financial storm? Read More »

SIEM security

What makes a lean security team tick

When budgets and resources are high, security teams have the luxury of building complex security infrastructures made up of only best-of-breed security products. See a new widget that claims to solve a narrow security challenge. Sure, add it to the stack. Heard about a revolutionary way to do this or that slightly better; no problem, …

What makes a lean security team tick Read More »

Automated threat hunting

One Year Later: Lessons from the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack

A year has passed since the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware attack that caused Colonial Pipeline to stop service for five days. This attack created a huge fuel shortage for eastern and southern states, and forced Colonial Pipeline to pay a hefty $4.4 million ransom. Ransomware attacks have continued unabated since then, with the most recent ones …

One Year Later: Lessons from the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack Read More »

Network detection and response

Going SOCless

According to the FBI, the number of cyberattacks reported to their Cyber Division is up 400 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels, and attacks are getting worse. From financial sites to healthcare sites to government sites to supply chain industries, no one is safe from these attacks. The traditional defense against these threats is the Security …

Going SOCless Read More »

NDR platform

Changming Liu, Stellar Cyber: hackers target remote workers to obtain access to corporate networks

With the pandemic and the stay-at-home orders that came with it, hackers started increasingly attempting to exploit the situation and damage businesses that operate remotely. When it comes to enterprises, it is common to cut corners in terms of cybersecurity as not many are aware of the consequences. In reality, there are various cyber threats, …

Changming Liu, Stellar Cyber: hackers target remote workers to obtain access to corporate networks Read More »

Automated SOC

Tired Of Reactive Strategies? Proactively Stop Attackers Earlier In The Kill Chain!

MSSPs all deal with a crushing number of alerts daily – but how are the most successful partners managing the influx? The MSSP industry has seen a significant increase in attacks on MSP and MSSP partners this year. This has led to several new attacks on everything from RMM tools to applications. We all deal …

Tired Of Reactive Strategies? Proactively Stop Attackers Earlier In The Kill Chain! Read More »

Endpoint detection and response tools

Was SUNBURST really a Zero-day attack?

Most companies affected by the SolarWinds attack learned about it from the Department of Homeland Security. Wouldn’t it have been better for them to have learned from their MSP/MSSP before DHS came calling? With Stellar Cyber, you would have known right away. The reason this breach was so successful was that the attackers leveraged a …

Was SUNBURST really a Zero-day attack? Read More »

SIEM alternatives

Leverage the tools and telemetry you trust

The industry is at a pivotal point. With the pandemic driving up work-from-home and forcing hybrid work environments as well as many applications moving to the cloud, cybersecurity professionals are challenging best practices and once-thought foundational assumptions. Is a platform with tightly integrated native capabilities the right foundation for the future security instead of siloed …

Leverage the tools and telemetry you trust Read More »

Network detection and response

What is Network Security?

The historical definition of network security is to use a firewall to screen users coming into the network, but as IT technology and security technology have evolved, the definition is much broader now. Today, network security is everything a company does to ensure the security of its networks and everything connected to them. This includes …

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SIEM replacement

Red Team – Blue Team Testing – The Big Picture

Ever since offensive security testing began, we have expected that the test or simulation will find something. Even if a pen tester doesn’t uncover an issue, the best ones can always achieve success through phishing or social engineering of your organization’s employees. In the same way, Red Team-Blue Team exercises highlight the near impossibility of …

Red Team – Blue Team Testing – The Big Picture Read More »

Network detection and response

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is in the news a lot, and typically in a bad way. We learn about Cybersecurity through well-publicized cyberattacks on major financial institutions, corporations, social media platforms, hospitals and cities. These attacks cost organizations and individuals billions of dollars a year, and hackers show no signs of slowing down. If anything, attacks are growing …

What Is Cybersecurity? Read More »

Network detection and response

Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions

Cybersecurity is the art and science of protecting computer systems and networks from the theft of electronic data, damage to hardware or software, or disruption of the services they provide. The world now relies heavily on computers and networks to facilitate movement of a vast range of goods and services, and Cybersecurity has become more and more important. Cybercriminals …

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