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Data Storage

Stellar Cyber Product Update Fall Edition

Kayleen Standridge from our Product Management team is providing this month’s product update blog, detailing a few key features and enhancements designed to make the user experience better. Check it out below. Exciting times are here as we bring you the latest updates to the Stellar Cyber Open XDR platform, designed to elevate your experience …

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Four Must-Haves to Secure Your OT Environment

Cybersecurity given: attackers will never stop trying to find ways to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities anywhere in an organization to carry out an attack. Whether it’s an unpatched web server, an out-of-date application with known vulnerabilities, or a user who tends to click links first and read later, attackers focus on finding a way to …

Four Must-Haves to Secure Your OT Environment Read More »

Extended detection and response

What’s the Deal with Open XDR

Managers of MSSP cybersecurity teams face many challenges, including the growing number and complexity of threats, tight budgets, a shortage of security analysts, and overworked teams who are frustrated by high volumes of alerts. Analyst teams have struggled for years with the philosophy of using a dozen or more discrete security tools to hunt for …

What’s the Deal with Open XDR Read More »

Network traffic analysis

The New-Look Stellar Cyber

As a cybersecurity vendor, making a great product or service that solves a big problem is our goal. If we do our job right, we will help security teams better protect their environments and grow our business. Now, a million variables play into a company’s ability to grow. While many are directly related to the …

The New-Look Stellar Cyber Read More »

Next Gen SIEM

Economics Of Shift Left Security

I’ve worked with dozens of SecOps and Detection and Response teams over the past few years and it has become crystal clear to me how important it is to fix as many security issues as possible upstream. Or as it is more commonly known, “Shift Left Security”. Broadly, I see three camps on “Shift Left Security” …

Economics Of Shift Left Security Read More »

Open XDR

MSSP Focus: Three ways your SIEM (even NG-SIEM) is hurting your ability to grow

In today’s ultra-competitive MSSP market, business owners are looking for ways to make their offerings more attractive to customers and their SOCs more effective. To that end MSSPs add new technology to their security offering stack with the hopes that prospective customers will see this addition as an opportunity to outsource some, or all, of …

MSSP Focus: Three ways your SIEM (even NG-SIEM) is hurting your ability to grow Read More »

SIEM application

Advocating for security in a financial storm?

Here we go again. Just after the world was pulling itself out of the total economic shutdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, the R word looms on the horizon. We’ve seen our everyday lives touched by large scale inflation over the past 6 months. Groceries, Gas, common goods, everything is more expensive than it used to …

Advocating for security in a financial storm? Read More »

SIEM tools

If layered security is the cake, Open XDR is the frosting

The anchor of Enterprise Security is popularly known as a “Defense in Depth” architecture. The Defense in Depth (DID) is a classic defensive concept used in the military that found acceptance in the Infosec community in the early 2000s. The Infosec implementation/version of DID has evolved to address the threats as the threat landscape progressed …

If layered security is the cake, Open XDR is the frosting Read More »


September Product Update: How I Spent My Summer Vacation:

The Stellar Cyber September Product Update As summer ends and the kids tearing up your house for the past 12 weeks head back to school, it’s time to let you know what the product team has been up to here at Stellar Cyber. We have made some nice updates to our Open XDR Platform in …

September Product Update: How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Read More »


August Product Update

August Product Update Stellar Cyber continually works to ensure the products we deliver not only meet but exceed the needs of our customers. As hockey legend Wayne Gretsky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been” we also work hard to anticipate the future needs of …

August Product Update Read More »

Network Detection and Response Platform

Our new normal challenges the economic viability of traditional cybersecurity thinking.

Stellar Cyber’s new sensors eliminate blind spots in your, or your customers’, distributed environments without breaking the bank. As the past two years have taught us, businesses can function in any number of situations, even when all their employees are working remotely. However, now that we slowly return to business as usual, organizations are realizing …

Our new normal challenges the economic viability of traditional cybersecurity thinking. Read More »

User Behavior Analytics

Improve Security Across the F5 WAF Engine with Better Visibility, Correlation, and Auto-Response

Challenges Most IT organizations have deployed multiple traditional security products and services from multiple vendors—yet they remain vulnerable Enterprises are seeking to optimize their existing investments in critical WAF infrastructure in ways that further reduce risk, increase productivity, and accelerate response times Enterprises prioritize limited security budget only for known security vulnerabilities, thereby creating potential …

Improve Security Across the F5 WAF Engine with Better Visibility, Correlation, and Auto-Response Read More »

Firewall Traffic Analysis

An Integrated TIP for Simplified and Efficient Security Operations

Cybersecurity platforms are only as intelligent as the data provided to them, and every security organization wants to leverage as much data as possible. This typically includes subscribing to one or more threat intelligence feeds from third-party organizations. As an open platform with a mission to integrate all important security data and tools, Stellar Cyber’s …

An Integrated TIP for Simplified and Efficient Security Operations Read More »

EDR Software

How Stellar Cyber Addresses Data Storage Pain

Security problems are essentially data problems. For threat detection, investigation and forensic analysis, ideally one would like to collect as much data as they can and store it as long as they want. However, everything has its limitations. For example, the high long-term storage costs, the slow speed of search/query and infrastructure requirements are common …

How Stellar Cyber Addresses Data Storage Pain Read More »

Network detection and response tools

Bundling Security Services to Improve Pricing and Close Ratios

Today’s businesses succeed by selling a handful of bundled items to a large number of customers. Think about restaurants, where the trend has been away from a’ la carte menus to limited menus, because it’s easier, more efficient, and requires less skill to produce a few entrée/side dish combinations than to try to fulfill each …

Bundling Security Services to Improve Pricing and Close Ratios Read More »

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