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Take Advantage of NTA / NDR+ with
ML-powered IDS & Sandbox

AI-driven network security simplifies complex attack detection and ensures you react quickly

Stellar Cyber’s NDR has the broadest detection in the industry besides various machine learning methods for breach detection. Stellar Cyber’s NDR includes a comprehensive asset management with assets automatically discovered from various sources.

AI-driven network security simplifies complex attack detection and ensures you react quickly

Stellar Cyber NDR + Advantages

EDR Software

Light-weight sensors​

Light-weight sensors with powerful DPI engine to monitor both east/west and north/south traffic

Automated threat hunting

Leverage existing NGFWs​

Leverage existing NGFWs for easy deployment and full coverage


Full visibility

Full visibility for public, private and hybrid cloud environment.

Open XDR

Automatically identify assets

Automatically identify assets, users and applications and their associated risk


Machine learning detection

Use case driven machine learning detection with supervised, unsupervised ML and deep learning to eliminate false positives

Extended detection and response

Create Context

Create context to investigate and respond attacks quickly and directly on the platform



The Threat Intelligence Platform is always working in the background without any administrative overhead.

Key Features

Open XDR

Broadest detection
in the industry

Stellar Cyber’s NDR has the broadest detection in the industry besides various machine learning methods for breach detection. It includes machine learning based IDS for known attacks

but without too much noise, Sandbox for malware analysis and UEBA for insider threats or compromised users. You can sunset the aging IDS or Sandbox if you have them.

Comprehensive asset management

Stellar Cyber’s NDR includes a comprehensive asset management with assets automatically discovered from various sources. The first thing you probably do when a breach is detected is to find affected assets. You can do that without leaving our platform.


Correlates detections across killchain

As powered by Open XDR platform, Stellar Cyber NDR correlates detections from other security tools such as EDR to detect complex attacks others miss and it also allows you to take actions directly with those tools.

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