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Stellar Cyber - Recently Joined the Emerging Business Group


Stellar Cyber Contact:

David Vance, Director, Business Development


Security Operations Teams require covering diverse environments - network, endpoint, cloud, users and applications

Stellar Cyber’s Open XDR unifies your security operations, as you modernize and upgrade – regardless of where you are coming from and which existing tools you use, and regardless of where you want to go in terms of security maturity – in the most efficient, cost-effective manner.

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Network traffic analysis

With F5 and Stellar Cyber enterprise users can more easily remediate security vulnerabilities from a variety of sources

F5 is the industry leader in application security and delivery, and Stellar Cyber is a leading open security operations platform providing high-speed, high-fidelity threat detection across a vast attack surface. By consolidating visibility and analytics across F5’s WAF engine and Stellar Cyber, this joint solution delivers superior protection, 360-degree visibility, high-fidelity detection…

Industry Analyst Validation


"Open XDR is particularly interesting as it offers the unified approach of XDR in leveraging a disparate set of telemetry with the additional value of extending the integration across different proprietary and open-source tools"

ESG Showcase

Stellar Cyber Open XDR and SOAPA improve security operations efficacy, efficiency and productivity

Stellar Cyber addresses SOAPA’s common distributed data services layer with something it calls Interflow for data ingestion and synthesis. Stellar instruments Interflow through a broad range of sensors designed to collect data from various sources including data and applications on the network, servers, containers, physical and virtual hosts, on-premises infrastructure, and public clouds. Interflow processes and normalizes security data with context and makes it available for Stellar Cyber’s applications through a scalable and searchable data lake with integrated big data analysis.

OMDIA - On The Radar

Stellar Cyber offers XDR with built-in traffic analysis, SIEM, and automated response

Stellar Cyber develops technology for detecting and responding to threats across multiple domains of enterprise infrastructure such as endpoint, network, and cloud. Omdia refers to this type of technology as XDR, with component parts for endpoint (EDR) and network (NDR, which is also referred to as network traffic analysis, or NTA), though detection and response for cloud is not currently referred to as CDR. Stellar Cyber calls its Starlight product an “Open-XDR” platform to highlight its ability to ingest data from any source within a corporate infrastructure and take remedial action via any enforcement point.
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