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March 2020

Open XDR Platform

Why XDR?
(Extended Detection and Response)

Why XDR (Extended Detection and Response) ? Timing is everything   As the security industry wrestles with current security infrastructure, the cries of…  Too many point security products Too many blind spots  Too much noise and thus alert fatigue Too late to find attacks  Too slow to investigate, to hunt and to respond Too much …

Why XDR?
(Extended Detection and Response)
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Open XDR

What is XDR ?
(Extended Detection and Response)

There’s a new acronym out there in the security space: it’s XDR (Extended Detection and Response). But why do we need yet another acronym and should you care? Over the last several years, many analyst groups have tried to capture the idea of more complex attacks and how to build best practices to put the …

What is XDR ?
(Extended Detection and Response)
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