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July 2020

Network detection and response

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is in the news a lot, and typically in a bad way. We learn about Cybersecurity through well-publicized cyberattacks on major financial institutions, corporations, social media platforms, hospitals and cities. These attacks cost organizations and individuals billions of dollars a year, and hackers show no signs of slowing down. If anything, attacks are growing …

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Network detection and response

Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions

Cybersecurity is the art and science of protecting computer systems and networks from the theft of electronic data, damage to hardware or software, or disruption of the services they provide. The world now relies heavily on computers and networks to facilitate movement of a vast range of goods and services, and Cybersecurity has become more and more important. Cybercriminals …

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cloud detection and response

A Conversation about the New Wave of Cybersecurity

Its time, again, to change the conversation in cybersecurity. It’s neither data-driven nor AI-driven cybersecurity, which you might have heard before – it’s both and more, much more. It is correlation-driven cybersecurity. It is about correlations of many detections, from very basic like NGFW to very advanced like AI-based EDR, from various data sources in …

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